Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Two years. 
That's right, I've lived in Virginia for two whole years. 

Wow. I can hardly believe it. 

In the past two years I've done a lot. 

Here are a few: 

I moved to Virginia/DC.  
I got a job. 
Got another job.  
Had my first Thanksgiving without family.
I cried. 
Bought a plane ticket home for Christmas. (You know this is a big deal that I bought a real live plane ticket)
Quit one job (two was too many).
Had many weekend adventures. 
I laughed. 
Bought a car. 
Fell in love with wearing boots. 
A trip to the ER (solo). 
I sobbed. 
Made my best friend in UT move to Virginia. 
Bought and wore several pairs of heels. Real heels! (Scary) 
Moved to a new house (I drove a uhaul!)
I laughed. 
Got a new job. My DREAM job. 
I cried and smiled all at the same time. 


A lot. 

And so many  more fun times, hard times, and new experiences to come! Here's to the next two years and more laughs and cries
, Virginia! 


1 comment:

Becca said...

You are SO fun Julie! I LOVED this post!
You've done some amazing things and there are amazing things in store! I really love you! and I'm SO happy for you!